A People Set Apart

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God Has Given Us the Greatest Gift of All.

In Response, We Get Involved, and We Serve.


Our parish offers a variety of opportunities for service, including Ministries blessed by God through the involvement of many faithful parishioners committed to serve. Serving together, Church members are able to address a broad number of ministry programs, that connect gifted people to the many needs within and around each faith community. From administrative offices to facilities care, from the classroom to the chapel, from our front doors to the neighborhoods outside them: there is much to do.

Please contact the Parish Office at 225-647-8461 or stmarkoff@eatel.net if you would like to learn more information.


St. Mark Councils and Commissions

 Pastoral Council

 The Pastoral Council serves in a consultative capacity to assist the Pastor, primarily with parish planning and evaluation, and, secondarily, with miscellaneous administrative matters. Voting membership consists of seven members elected at-large, the chairperson of the Finance Council ex-officio, and two members appointed by the Pastor. Members must be eighteen years of age or older and registered in the parish at least one year. Each elected member serves a two (2) year term. Elections are conducted on the second or third Sunday in June each year.

Finance Committee

 The Finance Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Pastor on matters of finance and budget. The primary activity of this commission is to provide guidance to the Pastoral Council through recommendations on financial, budgetary, and investment matters in reaction to financial situations encountered by the Church. Members and the chairperson are appointed by the Pastor, after consultation with the Pastoral Council.


St. Mark Ministries

 Adult Bible Study

Adult scripture studies are currently held periodically in the parish. Watch the Parish Bulletin for time and the place.

Adult Education

As Catholic Christians, we are called to continue growing in our faith through on-going formation. Here at St. Mark, our Adult Enrichment Program offers many opportunities for parishioners to learn more about and deepen their Catholic faith. Parish School of Religion catechists are encouraged to participate in formation programs such as bible studies, workshops, and conferences to gain a better understanding of their faith and to earn Diocesan teacher certification credits. Ministry and Theology (MAT) classes are offered through the diocese and are held at the Catholic Life Center as well as in different parishes and are open to anyone. MAT classes focus on prayer, scripture, morality and the sacraments. Workshops on marriage enrichment and social justice have also been offered at St. Mark. For more information about educational opportunities available in the parish and on the diocesan level, please call the parish office.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon in Eucharistic Celebrations as well as other special services during the year. This ministry welcomes boys and girls of our parish who are entering the fourth grade or higher. Altar Servers serve on a rotating schedule at the Mass their parents normally attend. Training classes are required. Adult advisors are always needed.

Altar Society

This Society is a parish organization open to all parishioners of St. Mark. The purpose of the society is to promote spiritual unity and well-being amongst the members of the society and other members of the parish through prayers, good example and humanitarian work. The members perform such special work as requested by the pastor. The Altar Society meets on the second Thursday morning of each month.

Art & Environment

Members of this committee plan decoration and arrangement of worship space in Church for annual liturgical seasons and special celebrations, such as Easter, Christmas, and Confirmation. Volunteers are needed to help with creative ideas and planning. Members also assist by tending to the plants on a weekly basis, making liturgical banners and taking part in various sewing projects for the Church. Parishioners of all ages are welcome to work with this committee.

Blue Army

Parishioners gather each Tuesday after the 8:30 a.m. Communion Service/Mass in the Fr. Waguespack Conference Room to pray for the needs of our parish.

 Maintenance Group

The Maintenance Group is a very important volunteer organization at St Mark Catholic Church. They are the ”go to” organization for: helping hands, in fixing both minor/major problems and working on simple to sometimes complex campus projects. They consist of carpenters, electricians, painters, plumbers, welders, pipefitters and general handymen. They generally work every Tuesday. 

Children’s Church

Children who participate in this ministry have the opportunity to have fun while learning about God. Children’s Church is held every Sunday during the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Children who are three years old to entry into second grade are eligible to attend. Children must be potty trained to participate in Children’s Church.Volunteers (18 and older) are always welcome and needed! Volunteer teachers and aides help the children understand the Sunday readings in an age appropriate manner. Parents work together to provide this ministry. Parents, other adult volunteers and teenagers sign up to serve as teachers and aides on a rotating basis or for a few times a year according to your schedule. All materials are provided. Teens who volunteer can also earn service hours by helping in this ministry. 

Emergency Assistance/Food Pantry

This ministry is dedicated to providing personal care and service for those less fortunate in our community. Assistance for the needy is financed through donations to the Parish “Emergency Assistance Fund.” Requests are made through the parish office for assistance with food and utilities. A personal interview is held with each applicant; assistance is provided on the basis of need and legitimacy of the applicant.


Ways to help in Emergency Assistance include:

  • Food Donations
  • Volunteer to organize food pantry
  • Assist with Thanksgiving food baskets
  • Assist with Christmas food baskets
  • Assist with Christmas gifts
  • Monetary Donations

 Emergency Preparedness Initiative Committee (EPIC)

Disaster response volunteers are needed to assist in the event of any disaster. Volunteers help parishioners and the entire community to be well prepared for a disaster and to guide collaborative relief efforts in response to whatever calamity may occur.

Eucharistic Minister

Eucharistic Ministers are those men and women who assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at all Eucharistic celebrations. Participation in this ministry is by invitation and at the initiation of the Pastor. Eucharistic Ministers attend an orientation seminar upon acceptance.

Fall Fest Committee

This committee plans, organizes and implements activities centered around families for the annual Fall Fest held at St. Mark each October. There are no requirements but that you bring your creative ideas and a willingness to work.


Family Support and Sacramental Celebration

Volunteers are needed to cook, serve, and/or provide food and drink for parish families following the funeral of a deceased loved one. Jambalaya cooks are especially helpful in this regard. Others generously provide salads, desserts, vegetables, bread, and soft drinks on these occasions.

A Rosary Group ministry leads the rosary at the funeral home during visiting hours the night before the funeral of the parishioner. This ministry is open to all men and women of the parish.

Adult Altar Servers are needed to assist for the Funeral Mass or Memorial Service.

Healing Hearts

Everyone who loses a loved one or experiences a major transition in life may experience sadness, anger, and loneliness. The grief support group, Healing Hearts, provides a place where grieving people share their stories and listen to others’ stories, including the story of God and his healing love.

Homebound/ Hospital Ministry

Volunteers in this ministry bring communion weekly to all our homebound/hospital parishioners. In bringing Communion to the homebound/hospital, the minister represents Christ and manifests faith and charity on behalf of the whole community toward those who cannot be present at the Eucharistic Celebration. For the sick, the reception of Communion is not only a privilege but also a sign of support and concern shown by the Christian community for its members who are ill. All are scheduled to serve at Mass and/or for the homebound on a rotating basis.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic, family-oriented, fraternal organization of men. Members of the Knights of Columbus endeavor to set examples of Christian charity and promotion of Catholic values both in the Church parish and in the community. The Knights host the annual Tootsie Roll Drive; banquets to honor the local law enforcement, fire fighters, and teachers; and promote vocations through RSVP. Any male over 18 years of age who is a practicing Catholic is eligible for membership

K.C. Ladies Auxiliary

The KC Ladies Auxiliary’s purpose is to assist and support the Knights of Columbus by promoting good fellowship and social activities. Some activities sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus are: Adopt an Angel Christmas Party for needy children of the area, Annual Drive for St. Vincent de Paul Shelters, Annual Parish Easter Egg Hunt, Food drive for parish pantry, and Dances/Socials. Support is also given to many parish sponsored activities. Membership is open to any female (18 years or older).   Members may be Catholic or non-Catholic.


Members of this ministry are those who proclaim the Scripture readings at Mass on Sundays, Holy days, and other special observances. Training sessions are required prior to beginning this ministry. Lectors and commentators are on a rotating schedule. Confirmed Catholics are eligible to serve in this ministry.

 Men’s Club

The club is made up of men (21 years and older) who want to be more connected with parish life through a men's group. Our group comes together for spiritual growth, social experiences and service projects. We help with projects for the parish Faith Formation Programs, Parish events and overall community outreach opportunities.

Men's Prayer Group

This club meets every Tuesday at 7:00AM in the Pavilion for prayer followed by breakfast.


St. Mark is blessed with a wide array of musical talent. Musicians are needed to play various instruments, be a part of the choir at each Mass, and lead the singing for the parishioners. Members of the adult choirs generally practice before the Mass for which they are scheduled.

Office Angels

At times special assistance is needed to assist the parish staff with bulletin inserts, mail outs, and answering the telephone. Anyone willing to help is asked to call the parish office.

Parish School of Religion (PSR)

St. Mark Parish School of Religion (PSR) supports parents in educating their children in the Catholic faith and helping them to live out that faith within a believing community. The objective of our PSR program is that every child complete each year of the program with the religious knowledge appropriate to his/her age. Previously called CCD or Catechism, our PSR currently serves over 500 students, first through eleventh grade.

Our PSR program provides opportunities for our children to grow in awareness of the presence of God in their lives through instruction, celebration of the sacraments, and by participating in liturgies and prayer services that are designed for the students. To coordinate a program of this size, much work has to be done and a lot of help is needed. We are grateful to the many workers who, by giving of their time and sharing their talents, contribute to the success of the program. Because religious education is the concern of all the parishioners, we ask everybody to pray for the success of our PSR program and also to get actively involved in helping in some way. We need teachers, aides, babysitters, office workers (daytime and evening), volunteer coordinators, ground monitors and parking lot attendants. The PSR volunteers work under the supervision of the PSR principals.  For more information, call the parish office and talk to the Director of Christian Formation.

Perpetual Adoration Chapel

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. In the Chapel of Adoration, the Eucharist is exposed in a special holder called a monstrance. People are asked to commit to one hour a week to praise and worship Jesus. Christ’s great love for us was shown when He was crucified on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and offered us eternal life. Please consider an hour of thanks in return.

Substitute adorers are also needed. They would be contacted occasionally to cover a particular hour. Hourly Coordinators serve as the contact person to call to arrange for a substitute adorer if the regular adorer has to miss his or her hour. They have a list of substitute adorers to call from. Divisional Leaders oversee the Hourly Coordinators for their particular division. It takes many committed adorers to have a Perpetual Adoration Chapel and we thank all those who participate in this ministry.

Prayer Line

The prayer line is made up of volunteers that are called on to pray for those in need. Those on the prayer line are called and given the information by one of the team members.

Respect Life

Through this ministry, members are asked to promote respect for life and to work to bring about a greater awareness in regard to pro-life issues. Parishioners are encouraged to support family life, work toward an end to abortion, and to pray for the dignity and sanctity of life in all its stages from conception to natural death. Everyone is invited to join the fight for life. Respect for Life Ministry meets a few times a year. We start out with prayer, have a short meeting and develop a plan of action.


Sacramental Prep

     Baptism: Parental Preparation and Sacramental Celebration

      The Baptism ministry consists of a group of parishioners who conduct the monthly Baptism Seminar for parents and those who assist with the celebration of Baptism usually on the first Sunday of the month after 11:00 a.m. Mass. Emphasis is placed on reflection on the parents’ desires for their children and the role of the godparents. Participants are given a walk through the Rite of Baptism including the symbols used in celebrating the sacrament.


    OCIC: Order of Christian Initiation of Children

OCIC is a process of conversion which leads to the child receiving the initiation sacraments. It is designed for children of at least 7 years of age, who have not been baptized, and who have entered the religious education process later than first grade. OCIC will begin each year in September.  Please contact Dana Millet at the Parish Office 225-647-8461for additional information or to register your child.


Marriage: Couple Preparation and Sacramental Celebration

Happily and validly married couples are needed to serve as sponsor couples for those preparing for marriage. Sponsor couples are offered orientation and training so they may assist the prospective bride and groom in preparing their wedding liturgy. The sponsor couple then conducts the wedding rehearsal in accord with parish policies and the choices of the couple to be married.


OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation of Adults


The OCIA process is one of conversion which leads to receiving the initiation sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. OCIA is open to all those who have never been baptized or adults baptized in another Christian faith who wish to become members of the Catholic Church. Classes are also open to Catholic adults who are baptized but have not yet received the other initiation sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings beginning in September of each year. Team members include parishioners who are catechists, sponsors, and general support personnel. 


Sacramental Preparation for Children and Youth

The parish of St. Mark conducts special sacramental preparation sessions each year for children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist as well as for youth preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. These sessions involve students from both our parish school of religion and the various Catholic schools which serve our parishioners. These sessions are designed to form a community among the candidates rather than provide educational information concerning the sacraments. The latter is provided through the PSR and Catholic schools religion programs.


Greeters, hospitality coordinators, session leaders (e.g., crafts, music, games, art, etc.), and section guides to lead the children from one station to the other are needed for these programs. Two sessions precede the celebration of First Reconciliation in the Fall, two sessions for First Eucharist are scheduled in the Spring, and three sessions are scheduled for Confirmation candidates.

Senior Citizens (55+)

This Ministry provides our senior citizens with opportunities to engage in fellowship with and support for one another, to keep those elders who can no longer actively participate in Church life and activities in touch with other parishioners, and to foster interaction between the youth and the elders of the Church. Committees plan different activities, such as reciting the rosary in French, health and wellness activities such as 55 Alive driving course, and special trips.

Women of the Word (WOW)

Women of the Word meet the first Wednesday of every month at 10:00 AM in the pavilion. Women of the Word allows parishioners the opportunity to gather in groups to share prayer and scripture as a means of deepening their faith. “We are the Church making Jesus present through fellowship, worship, formation and service.” Women of the Word offer a practical way to live as Church. The ideal group is 8-12 people meeting weekly over a 6-8 week time span, at times accommodating the work and family schedules of its members. Call the parish office is you are interested in attending or hosting a small faith group.

Usher’s Society

The Ushers are men and women, 18 years or older, whose purpose is to maintain order in and about the Church, aid in seating the congregation, collect the offerings, and direct communion lines. They assist the Pastor in any work he may designate pertaining to the physical and spiritual advancement of the Church.  The Ushers also aid in any emergency situation.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Vacation Bible School is a fun filled week in which children learn more about God’s love for us and how to love others as Jesus taught us. It is scheduled for one week each summer, usually in July from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30, on Monday through Friday. Children age 4 through those finishing 5th grade are invited to attend.

Adult and teen volunteers are needed to assist the children with their activities. Our Program consists of several stations which include; singing, dancing, Bible story time, crafts, games, video theater time and snack time. Every year we have a service project to aid those in need.

 Welcome Committee

The main goal of the committee is to greet parishioners as they arrive at Mass on Saturday and Sunday and to invite new guests to visit our parish office to register. If you are willing, home visits can be made to inform new members of the different ministries available to them. All adult parishioners are eligible.

Youth Ministries

   Primary Youth Group

The purpose of this ministry is to provide the youth a chance to fellowship and have fun in a safe environment. This group is for children who are in second and third grades.

   Junior Youth Group

The purpose of this ministry is to provide an environment for fellowship, community service and spiritual growth for the junioryouth of our parish. The ministry is open to all students who haveentered the 4th grade. Participation in the Junior Youth Group willend when a student begins 8th grade, at which time they maytransition to the Senior Youth Group.

Senior Youth Group

The purpose of the group is to provide opportunities for teens to interact with peers, their St. Mark parish family, and our local community. The St. Mark Senior Youth Group is open to all students who are in 9th through 12th grade. Participation must end whenever the first of these is reached: 20 years of age or actual completion of 12th grade. Adults are always needed as advisors and chaperones in this ministry.




"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."
(1 Peter 4: 10)